Throughout our lives we experience struggles, health concerns or find that we desire to better understand ourselves and our purpose.  We are all seeking for greater wellness and to live our life path with purpose (choose another word), ease and fulfillment. Challenges often prevent us from living a life of greater self-love, with a sense of peace and authentic confidence.

In the rolling hills of Northumberland County, Ontario, Wellness Within offers you the opportunity to more fully navigate your path, through the use of gentle energy-based therapy treatments, such as energy healing, energy therapy and creative expression.  Opportunities are also offered, for you to develop your own awareness, healing, and energy gifts through The School.

Maryanne Brown

RN, BScN, MSc.

As a Registered Nurse, my research and clinical background includes work in gerontology, dementia care, adult health, palliative care and interpersonal relationships.  My education in the healing arts includes Healing touch, Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, Shamanic techniques, Process Acupressure and other body work techniques. 

I have presented my work at numerous provincial, national and international conferences including the International Congress of Nursing.  I bring a comprehensive combination of education and experience to my independent practice in Energy Field Work and Therapy and within mainstream health care to my Advanced Practice Nursing Services.

With a background in science and western medicine, I understand the skepticism that people sometimes come to energy work with. I have always been curious and had many questions about why and how things happened for people, both on a physical level and in their whole selves. Through personal illness and in doing my own soul work, I experienced the power, completeness and healing of energy work. I finally had a knowing that there are different ways to understanding our health and our connection to everything around us; that healing physical symptoms and disease involves the energy system and going within. This was synchronistic with my interest in finding meaning and truths within life. 

Energy work provides a deep understanding to all things including wellness and illness.   I have studied many different modalities, been an apprentice and also receive sacred teachings. I continue to grow within my path, and I am honoured to be providing energy work and teachings for others. I have had the pleasure to assist numerous individuals resolve deep and life-halting issues through the use of Energy Healing Work and Energy Psychology, resulting in their living happier and healthier lives. Working with the energy system and its language offers the opportunity for wellness within and connection beyond.